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Shellsburg Recreation

T-Ball Rules

2024 Shellsburg Summer T-Ball for Preschool


All Preschool and Kindergarten teams are coed. You will be contacted by your child’s coach prior to the start of practices.


Practices will be held on                             . A practice schedule with times & fields will be sent later.

Coaches, please share and rotate use of the infield/outfield. Tees and balls will be at the diamonds prior to practices.

Practices should focus on the fundamentals of the game. You may also use this opportunity for scrimmaging.


Games will be played on Sunday nights for five weeks and games will begin at 4:00PM for Preschool & 5:00PM for kindergarten. Games are scheduled for 5/19, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 & 6/30. Wednesdays 6/12 & 6/19 are reserved as rain make-up dates. A game schedule with times and fields will be sent later.

·         T-Ball Game Rules:

o   Games are 45 minutes long. Coaches, please start and stop your games on time so we stay on schedule.

o   All players will hit off of the tee. There is no coach pitch at this level.

o   Each player bats and takes the field every inning.

o   Every hit is considered a ‘single’ with the base runners advancing one base at a time per hit with the exception of the last batter each inning who runs out a ‘homerun’.

o   There is no leading off, stealing or outs.

Cancellation of Games or Practices

A decision about cancellation of games or practices will be made by the Atkins Summer Ball committee. If games are cancelled, an email will go out as soon as possible. We will also post this information on our Facebook page.


Once apparel has been received, it will be given to the coaches to distribute.

Team Pictures

A picture schedule will be sent later. Everyone will be in the team photo but purchasing pictures is optional.


·         Each player needs to bring a bat and glove to practices/games. Please mark your child’s name on all equipment.

·         Helmets are optional at the t-ball level.

·         Players should wear appropriate shoes (no sandals or flip flops for safety reasons).

·         Tees and soft toss t-balls will be provided at practices and games.

Concessions Schedule

The Summer Ball League is a volunteer program and as such, parents are needed for our league to be successful. The concession stand brings in funds to compensate our umpires and those taking care of our fields. It also provides the funds needed for new equipment. Each player is asked to have a parent/guardian fill at least one shift in the concession stand. For safety purposes, please do not have young children in the concession stand. High school aged children are welcome to volunteer in the concession stand with a supervising adult present. t. A 'Sign-Up Genius' schedule will be emailed out where parents/guardians can choose at least one shift. The link will also be available on the Summer Ball website. Please email with any questions. You can also visit our website and follow us on Facebook for more information.

Thank you for your help in making this league successful for the kids!


Coach Pitch Rules

2024 Shellsburg Coach Pitch for Kindergarten,1st & 2nd Graders


Boys and girls are on separate teams. Each team is made up of a mix of Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders. You will be contacted by your child’s coach prior to the start of practices.


Practices will be held on Sundays April 28, May 5 & May 12. A practice schedule with times and fields will be sent later.

Coaches, please share and rotate use of the infield/outfield. You may also use this opportunity to scrimmage each other.

Coaches, if you would like to schedule additional practices, you can check field availability at Please email [email protected] to reserve additional field time.


Games will be played on Sunday nights for five weeks and the first games will begin at 5:00PM. Games are scheduled for 5/19, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, & 6/30. Wednesdays 6/12 & 6/19 are reserved as rain make-up dates. A game schedule with times and fields will be sent later.

·         Games Rules:

o   Games are 45 minutes long. Coaches, please start and stop your games on time so we stay on schedule.

o   All players take the field every inning.

o   All players must be positioned behind the pitcher until the ball crosses the plate.

o   A coach or other adult will play the catcher position.

o   Each player bats every inning.

o   Each player will be limited to 5 pitches per each at bat. If the batter does not put a pitched ball into play after 5 pitches, a tee will be used.

o   There is no leading off or stealing of bases.

o   A batter/base runner is called out and to return to the dugout if a fly ball is caught, a base is touched before a runner touches it or if a runner is tagged out.

Cancellation of Games or Practices

A decision about cancellation of games or practices will be made by the Shellsburg Rec Dept. If games are cancelled, an email will go out as soon as possible. We will also post this information on our Facebook page. Coaches are responsible for the cancellation of any additional practices they schedule.


Once apparel has been received, it will be given to the coaches to distribute.

Team Pictures

A picture schedule will be sent later. Everyone will be in the team photo but purchasing pictures is optional.


·         Each player needs to bring a bat, glove and a batting helmet with ear protection to practices/games. Please mark your child’s name on all equipment.

·         Players should wear appropriate shoes (no sandals or flip flops for safety reasons).

·         Tees and soft toss balls will be provided at games and practices. Coaches who are holding additional practices should contact a Summer Ball representative for tees/balls.


Concessions Schedule

The Shellsburg Rec Ball League is a volunteer program and as such, parents are needed for our league to be successful. The concession stand brings in funds to compensate our umpires and those taking care of our fields. It also provides the funds needed for new equipment. Each player is asked to have a parent/guardian fill at least one shift in the concession stand. For safety purposes, please do not have young children in the concession stand. High school aged children are welcome to volunteer in the concession stand with a supervising adult present. A 'Sign-Up Genius' schedule will be emailed out where parents/guardians can choose at least one shift. The link will also be available on the Shellsburg Rec website. Please email with any questions. You can also visit our website and follow us on Facebook for more information.

Thank you for your help in making this league successful for the kids!

Shellsburg Rec Dept


Email: [email protected]

Girls Little League


1. Rules follow IGHSAU softball rules except for league rule exceptions listed below.

2. Games are 5 innings in length with no new inning after 75 minutes.

• Umpire starts the timer on first warm-up pitch.

• The umpire can allow 3-5 warm-up pitches starting in the 2nd inning.

3. Pitching distance is 35 feet. The distance between the bases is 60 feet.

4. Each half inning will consist of five runs scored or three outs.

5. After 3 innings, if a team is ahead by 10 runs, the game will be considered complete. This would also be applicable after 2 ½ innings if the home team is ahead by 10 runs.

• Teams are encouraged to play the full 75 minutes, so all players have an opportunity for additional game time.

6. In case of rain or lightning and game is called:

• Three innings completed is considered a complete game.

• Less than three innings completed would require a reschedule.

7. Players are eligible to steal 2nd and 3rd bases only – and only one base per batter. Players cannot steal home plate.

• For example, if they steal 2nd, they can’t steal 3rd until the next batter is up.

8. Batters cannot advance on a dropped third strike.

9. No infield fly rule. No bunting.

10. Facemasks for infielders required.

11. Helmets with masks for batters, catchers, and all base runners are mandatory.

12. Catcher gear needs to include hockey style headgear/throat protector.

13. Coaches have the option to have continuous batting order and free substitution. Must follow throughout game.

14. Coach may meet with pitcher once, the second time the pitcher must be pulled.

15. LL is child pitch, but after 4 balls pitched, the offensive coach (11th grade or older) will pitch from the rubber.

• When the coach is pitching:

o If the coach interferes with the play (hit by a ball or interferes with the defensive player), it is a LIVE ball. Coaches who are pitching are considered part of the field.

o No stealing allowed. The runner may lead off once the ball is out of the coach’s hand.

o The umpire will call Strikes/Balls as they are pitched by the coach. Once a 3rd strike is called, the batter is out.

o The strike count stands, and the coach will get up to 3 pitches for the batter to hit. After the 3rd pitch, if the batter hasn’t hit the ball, the batter is out. The batter is not required to swing at the ball, but the coach will only get a maximum of 3 pitches total.

o If the batter fouls off the 3rd pitch, then they will get another pitch. This will continue until they don’t swing,

swing and miss, or hit the ball fair.

o Examples:

          ▪ Count is 4 balls /2 strikes. The batter gets a total of 3 pitches until they either strike out or hit the ball.

          ▪ Count is 4 balls / 0 strikes. The batter gets a total of 3 pitches until they either strike out or hit the ball.

16. Runner MUST slide at any base (other than 1st) to avoid a collision when there is a play at the base. Runner will be called out if there is no attempt to slide.

17. Hit by pitch: Batter is awarded a base per the softball rule.

Special Note: If the ball hits the ground and then the batter, they are awarded 1st base IF the batter attempts to get out of the way of the ball at umpire’s discretion.

18. May play ten girls – 6 infielders, 3 outfielders, 1 rover - with no placement rule. The rover can be placed anywhere on the field.

19. When the offensive team has two outs and catcher is on base – replace catcher with last batter out to keep the game moving.

20. No steel/metal spikes on cleats are allowed.

21. Defensive replacements from the opposing team: All teams must field a minimum of nine defensive players every inning.

• If a team has only seven (7) or eight (8) players, the opposing team will supply one (or two) defensive substitutes.

          o For the first inning, they will supply the last player (or last two players) in their batting lineup or other players on

 their bench. After the first inning, they will supply the last batter (or two batters) from the previous inning, or other player(s) on their bench.

• Under no circumstance should a team be penalized with an out due to the number of players in their batting lineup.

• The defensive substitutes will only bat for their own team.

• The team receiving the defensive substitute(s) will only bat players from their own team.

• A team with less than 7 players at the beginning of the game will forfeit the game but are encouraged to still play the game for experience.

22. All non-adult person(s) warming up a pitcher must wear a facemask.

23. Tiebreaker or Time Limit

• If a game is tied after the last inning or after the time limit, teams will play an extra inning by placing the last batter from the previous inning on second base - the extra inning will begin with one out.

• If the game is still tied after the first extra inning, there will be a second extra inning with the last two batters from the

previous inning placed on 2nd base (the last batter) and 3rd base (the next to last batter) - this extra inning will begin with one out.

• If after the second extra inning the game is still tied, the game will officially end in a tie. Both teams will be awarded ½ win.

24. NO CHANTING will be allowed in the dugout or field.

Boys Little League

1. Little League games will be played by National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) rules except for league rule exceptions.

2. Defensive replacements from the opposing team: All teams must field nine defensive players every inning. If a team has only 8(or 7) players, the opposing team will supply 1 (or 2) defensive substitutes. For the first inning, they will supply the last player (or last 2 players) in their batting lineup or other players on their bench. After the first inning, they will supply the last batter (or 2 batters) from the previous inning, or other players (s) on their bench. The defensive substitutes will only bat for their team. The team receiving the defensive substitute(s) will only bat players from their team. A team with fewer than 7 players at the beginning of the game will forfeit the game. However, coaches are encouraged to still play the games for the benefit of the players from both teams. Coaches are encouraged to do what is in the best interest of the players in all other situations. Under no circumstance should a team be penalized with an out due to the number of players in their batting lineup.

3. Little League games are 5 innings with no new inning started after 75 minutes (see below in the event of a tie after 75 minutes). The game officially starts with the first warm-up pitch thrown from the pitching mound by the home team. Each half-inning will consist of 5 runs or 3 outs. 3 innings must be played to complete a game or 2 ½ if the home team is ahead. After 3 innings, if a team is ahead by 10 runs, the game will be considered complete, or 2 ½ innings if the home team is ahead by 10 runs. Teams are encouraged to play the full 75 minutes so all players have an opportunity for additional game time.

4. If a game is tied after the last inning after the time limit (75 minutes for Little League) teams will play an extra inning by placing the last batter from the previous inning on second base. If a batter is left in the batters’ box at the end of an inning, they will be the leadoff batter the following inning, and the ball-strike count will be reset. The extra inning will begin with 1 out. If the game is still tied after the first extra inning there will be a second extra inning with the last 2 batters from the previous inning placed on 2nd base (the last batter) and 3rd base (the next to last batter), also beginning with 1 out. If after the second extra inning, the game is still tied the game will officially end in a tie. Both teams will be awarded a 1/2 win.

5. If a batter is left in the batters’ box at the end of an inning, they will be the leadoff batter the following inning, and the ball-strike count will be reset.

6. When time (daylight/safety) is a factor, any game may be terminated by mutual consent of the coaches or at the umpires’ discretion. Postponed/ canceled games should be made up as soon as possible. Postponed/ canceled games that are not made up will result in a loss for each team.

7. In case of rain, visiting teams should be notified as soon as possible. Check the coaches listing for phone numbers.

8. There will be free substitution at any time with the only stipulation being that anyone who has batted in the lineup must bat in the same spot if re-entered. It is not necessary to notify the opposing team of any lineup changes unless requested to do so by the head coach of the opposing team. This should be decided before the beginning of the game.

9. Batters, players on deck, and base runners must wear batting helmets (earflaps on both sides, but faceguards are not required). If they fail to do so after one warning, the umpire shall call them out. All catchers must wear a helmet and throat protector (even on hockey-style masks). The game will not continue until they do so.

10. Little League pitching rubber shall be 45 feet from home plate. There will be 60 feet between bases.

11. Little League pitchers are limited to 4 innings (12 outs) over a three-day rolling period. If a pitcher pitches more than 12 outs, the pitcher’s team will forfeit the game that he/she overpitched in.


13. Little League baserunners cannot lead off base until the ball crosses home plate. If the runner leaves the base before that, the runner will be called out. NO WARNING!!! Baserunners may steal second base and third base, but Home Plate is closed (even if played upon while attempting to steal third, or while leading off of third after a pitch has been delivered).

14. In Little League the batter will be out, even if the catcher fails to catch the third strike.

15. The infield fly rule is in effect for all Little League games.

16. Any bat with a 2¼“barrel may be used for Little League. Any bat larger than 2 ¼” barrel must be stamped USA Baseball. No bat larger than 2 5/8” may be used. Any bat not meeting these requirements may not be used in a game. Once a batter steps into the batters’ box with an illegal bat they are considered out. If the illegal bat is not detected until after the at-bat and before the next legal pitch is thrown, the result of the at-bat, if put into play, will be reversed and the batter called out. The umpire or any coach may request that the bat be checked. The illegal bat should be removed from the dugout. Wooden bats are also allowed. Coaches should assist their players in selecting appropriate bats.

17. Coach may only make one trip to the mound per inning. On the second trip, the coach must put in a new pitcher.

Contact Us

Shellsburg Recreation

Shellsburg, Iowa 52332

Email: [email protected]

Shellsburg Recreation

Shellsburg, Iowa 52332

Email: [email protected]
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